Residential Roofing
Happy Customer
Completed Date
28 - 07 - 2023
New Castle, DE
This project today was a wonderful challenge here for us at All Out Exteriors. We were called out to this lovely rancher that needed us to Go All Out on its roof replacement and other restorations. The first challenge was tearing off three layers of shingles that have been sitting on top of one another for over thirty-plus years. After the tear, our next task was replacing over twenty-five sheets of the roof’s rotten sheeting. In the meantime, the ad electrical mast pole was sitting on rotted wood and needed to be taken off, reset, and mounted on new plywood. We also needed to update the electrical mast roof flashing around the pole to keep all the electrical wiring safe and sound. Next, we had to replace over sixty feet of bad fascia boards with new ones so we could reset the guttering securely. While the roofing and fascia boards were being finished, we had to go inside the rancher to the utility room to fix the big hole in the ceiling that had been leaking from recent storms in the area. After eight hours of Going All out, the rancher’s home looked fantastic!!